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How to stop gamification from becoming a horror story

Employees outside of the sector are still more likely to encounter gamification as a consumer through reward cards or virtual chatbots, than in the workplace. Workplace gamification is supposed to be enjoyable for its participants, with many firms using it as an employee retention tactic amid the so-called Great Resignation.

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A Look at Analysis Paralysis in Board Games

My hope is that, by the end of this post, you'll understand what analysis paralysis is and be able to make sure that it doesn't cause issues between the people that you play games with. Analysis paralysis is not unique to tabletop gaming. Many strategic board games from the last few decades involve tough decisions, someof which might have an instant impact on the game, others of which will continue to influence your performance for turns to come.

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4 Ways Games Can Contribute to Learning

It can be difficult to figure out precisely how to incorporate games into the classroom without wasting time or curtailing the learning process. Countless studies have shown that there's a plethora of simple logic-based games that, when implemented well, help students learn and retain basic concepts more efficiently, all while maintaining their full engagement in their schooling and with their peers.

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4 Experience Economy Strategies You Should Consider Leveraging In Your Corporate Learning

The Experience Of Corporate Education In the learning and development space, experts have long recognized that active learning experiences are better tools than passive learning. David Kolb's publications on his experiential learning theory in the 1980s were already making a case for concrete experiences and active experimentation being better learning tools than lectures and slide shows in which the learner takes no effectual role.

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AI-powered board game can help reduce social isolation in older adults

It's no mystery why online games became an even-more popular pastime during the COVID-19 pandemic: They provide entertainment and social connection, while also keeping our brains stimulated. A new AI-powered game developed by a team of Johns Hopkins undergraduates aims to bring those positive benefits to older adults in retirement communities.

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Using Virtual Reality To Bridge Gaps In Nursing

Since early 2020, a team at the Texas A&M College of Nursing has been working on integrating VR simulations into their curriculum to help bridge the gap between classroom and clinic. "VR simulation is in that area that we call a 'safe container,'" said Elizabeth Wells-Beede, clinical assistant professor at the College of Nursing.

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Diving deep into learning: Shipwreck lesson plan at New Century built around video game playtesting

You may have seen an article in The Atlantic entitled "Kids Are Learning History From Video Games Now." Its subtitle, "More students are being exposed to historical narratives through game play-but what exactly are they being taught?" raises questions that academics need to ask as we teach a generation that has grown up with video games.

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The Gamification Of EdTech: Virtual Learning On The Road To The Metaverse

Gamification complements traditional techniques and is a proven tool to enhance student motivation and learning outcomes, even during pandemic times, as noted by Frontiers in Psychology. Virtual learning can involve game-like simulated environments that bring adaptive learning opportunities-enabled by instant feedback-to both educators and students.

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Researchers explore an unlikely treatment for cognitive disorders: video games

Video games as a treatment for depression? Unheard of, especially in the elderly, whose brains have gone through normal deterioration as a part of aging. Researchers aren't always keen to divulge their findings, especially if it would reveal game mechanics that could be copied. Without outside verification, it's hard to tell if so-called medical video games have merit.

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What Are The Advantages and Disadvantages of Gamification?

The advantages of gamification are therefore undeniable. Gamification first appeared in 2000 after the finding of employees' lack of enthusiasm for taking vocational training. Gamification refers to the use of technologies and features derived from video games to apply them in the professional environment or in learning with the help of game animation company.

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Learning Games – The Challenge of House Rules

The rules of a game are arbitrary and the Lusory Attitude involves acceptance of these rules. These rules constitute, in part, the 'obstacles' that the player will encounter. Anybody who plays games socially has probably come across the idea of 'House Rules' - unofficial modifications to the rules of a game that are played by specific groups of people.

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