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The six levers of games-based learning: what makes learning games effective?

That games are effective learning tools has been shown again and again, with great clusters of evidence collected by Karl Kapp and Jane McGonigal, among many others. My favourite framing of the question is: what do games do, to help people engage, learn and get more from the experience? As part of my work using games to design and facilitate learning experiences, I've built a framework to answer that question.

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Popularity of 'gamified' apps raises new legal issues, student researchers warn

Whatever the reasons for the exceptionally high turnover rates in today's employment market, I submit that companies were likely going to find it challenging to recruit and maintain skilled employees as the 2010s became the 2020s. Most savvy business owners know that lip service in a mission statement won't convert to real employee retention and engagement.

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Using artificial intelligence to build cultural intelligence

Many of today's top companies are now turning to games and artificial intelligence, which can elevate the human experience and maximize cultural intelligence in the workplace. You're probably thinking, how do we get employees comfortable with becoming more culturally intelligent and able to self recognise the areas where they need development? In one word: games.

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Main Difference Between Gaming Development and Gaming Design

What Is Game Development? In essence, game development is the process of bringing the idea of a video game to life, which requires software programming, engineering, sound effects, coding, testing, rendering, and some other aspects to be accomplished in order to get the game to a level where it can work without a problem.

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Atlantic: Kids are learning history from video games now

Anything that can call attention to periods or histories that most people wouldn't otherwise come across does a very real service, UC's Marion Kruse says in an article in The Atlantic. The article focuses on the rise in popularity of video gaming, specifically games such as Europa Universalis which is by Paradox Interactive, a Swedish company.

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Game-Based Learning For STEM Education

Gamification in the classroom is the application of game mechanics to lessons and course material. Gamification of lessons does require more planning and creativity than simply incorporating educational games and game-based learning tools, but these two different methods can work in tandem. Game-based learning is the utilization of games and challenges for learning and skill development with the goal to reach a winning outcome.

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Game learning is a powerful vehicle for learning

Word-based games encourage youngsters to learn in a fun and participatory way, increasing both learning and collaborative thinking abilities. Enabling personalised learning Educators have countless possibilities for selecting and implementing game mechanics in ways that connect with students' passions and enable them to achieve their learning objectives.

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