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Posts in AI
Learning points: Benefits and ethical challenges of AI in gaming

AI has significantly advanced gaming, enhancing the overall experience and offering personalized content and intelligent game mechanics. According to Jun Kawasaki, CEO of MetaX Global, AI in gaming brings several benefits.

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The Generative AI Revolution in Games

There hasn't been a technology this revolutionary for gaming since real-time 3D. Spend any time at all talking to game creators, and the sense of excitement and wonder is palpable. Of all entertainment, games will be most impacted by Generative AI Games are the most complex form of entertainment, in terms of the sheer number of asset types involved.

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Accessible computer games developed to train artificial intelligence

"Many computer games are expensive and require a lot of data and power. We need games that require little computing power to train algorithms in industrial environments," says Per-Arne Andersen, assistant professor at the University of Agder's Department of ICT. He recently earned his PhD with a thesis on how artificial intelligence in computer games can function well even if there is not much computing power.

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AI-powered board game can help reduce social isolation in older adults

It's no mystery why online games became an even-more popular pastime during the COVID-19 pandemic: They provide entertainment and social connection, while also keeping our brains stimulated. A new AI-powered game developed by a team of Johns Hopkins undergraduates aims to bring those positive benefits to older adults in retirement communities.

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AI smashes video game high scores by remembering its past success

An artificial intelligence that can remember its previous successes and use them to create new strategies has achieved record high scores on some of the hardest video games on classic Atari consoles. Many AI systems use reinforcement learning, in which an algorithm is given positive or negative feedback on its progress towards a particular goal after each step it takes, encouraging it towards a particular solution.

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Mind MuZero AI can master games without knowing the rules

The most powerful AIs today still rely on having certain known rules, like rules for a game of chess or Go. Human learning is often messy in inferential, learning the rules of life as we go. DeepMind has long been trying to create such AIs using games as their environment and test suite. Google's sister company focusing on AI research has just revealed its latest achievement in MuZero, an AI that can master a game without learning the rules beforehand.

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Why neural networks struggle with the Game of Life 

Despite its simplicity the Game of Life remains a challenge to artificial neural networks, AI researchers at Swarthmore College and the Los Alamos National Laboratory have shown in a recent paper. Titled, "It's Hard for Neural Networks To Learn the Game of Life," their research investigates how neural networks explore the Game of Life and why they often miss finding the right solution.

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AI in Education: An Initiative to Assist Student in Learning 

It becomes difficult for a teacher, to selectively aid student in learning, especially when they also feel the burden of collective performance. To address this issue, an artificial intelligence is designed by the researchers from North Carolina State University, from predicting the position of educational games in inducing learning amongst students.

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