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Playing games with the next generation—What will people want to play in 2040?

Below are five insights, or we might say, "Foresights" to help you think creatively about what the next generation will need and want from a gaming experience. I will explain five examples of emerging cultural shifts that should make us all question what games and entertainment will look like in 2040: Life extension and human enhancement, digital nomadism, surveillance capitalism, biophilia, and brain hacking.

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Lacson: Is game-based learning effective?

LAST week, I was lucky to be given the chance to participate in the orientation and kick-off program of the Minecraft Education Edition to be implemented in Zambales, one of the four schools division offices in the country to pilot the said app for students. Aside from it being a significant development in terms of the current teaching and learning situation, I was also excited to be part of the launch because of my son who really loves Minecraft.

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The Power of Gamification

Gamification describes the application of game-style mechanics to traditionally non-game contexts. A 2019 article published in the Journal of the American Medical Association sought to assess the effectiveness of support, collaboration and competition within a behaviourally designed gamification intervention to increase physical activity among overweight and obese adults, using a sample of 602 participants who were entered into a 24-week game.

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Can kids with autism and ADHD learn more effectively by playing tabletop games?

Jack Ford Morgan and Callan Davis who are the co-owners of Half Monster Games. Mr Ford Morgan said just as the variety and complexity of games had changed, so too had attitudes. "A lot of the stigma that existed ... about nerds and geeks and that kind of culture is really evaporating with all the focus that is put on diversity and inclusion," he said.

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Gamification in action

As consumer trends evolve at an incredibly fast pace, how do operators keep up with their needs? iGB speaks with Sergey Kobitskiy to discuss the key features of a customer-oriented gaming experience. Founded in 2018, Smartico has built industry-leading platforms which help gaming operators globally to enhance UX, increase revenue and improve retention.

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The Players are the Product: A Study of Player Communities, Community Managers, and Zombies

Importantly for this work, some form communities with other players and a subset of those communities then provide value to the firm and other players. Most of the research that justifies these statements comes from video game research given that study of the Live Action Roll Playing or Live Action game space that Humans vs Zombies occupies is even younger than the study of video games.

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2 Ways to Bring Games Into Your Classroom

Some experts regard the time kids spend socializing with their friends while gaming online as a lifeline during the pandemic, while others maintain that video games can actually enhance kids' remote learning. Non-digital games are enjoying a resurgence: Even before the pandemic, tabletop board games were experiencing a meteoric rise in popularity, and during the pandemic, classic games like Monopoly and The Game of Life have become a staple in many homes.

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Game Learning: Authentic Experience

The adventures we've already had in our imaginations rival most fantasy books I've read. D&D has helped me escape from the real world, expand my creativity, improve my strategy and problem-solving skills, and stay connected with friends. My character in D&D, on the other hand, is the most muscular female dwarf in all of Inathra.

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