Loot boxes, video game features used by nearly 40% of children, have clear links to problem gambling, according to a study that has reignited calls for them to be regulated as betting products. All but one of the studies showed a clear correlation between the use of loot boxes and problem gambling behaviour, under the commonly-used Problem Gambling Severity Index measure.
Read MoreOnline learning offers the opportunity to engage a much broader set of students with different learning styles, and to potentially supercharge outcomes. Principal Investigator at the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, finds that educators who borrow ideas and tools from the gaming community can improve their online teaching techniques, and improve learning outcomes for students.
Read MoreDigital devices are being increasingly adopted for learning and education purposes. Dr. Paul Mensink, professor at Western University, takes his students on a marine biology field course in New Brunswick every year.
Read MoreMilitary leaders, deep thinkers, and gaming enthusiasts alike can look forward to a new invention that may be coming to tabletop exercises in the near future. Troy Pierce, a C-130 Hercules navigator and student at the Marine Corps War College, introduced a game of his own invention, called "Kingfish ACE" to members from the 821st Contingency Response Group at Travis Air Force Base, California, March 25-26.
Read MoreThe latest board game in the Pax series, Transhumanity sees players enacting the role of a "Startup entrepreneur in the not-too-distant future"2 endeavoring to ensure that their particular vision for humanity's future is the dominant one. Although such logics are typically associated with videogames, notably in the work of Alexander Galloway,3 board games offer a uniquely productive view of how algorithmic culture has so interpenetrated our daily lives.
Read MoreEither way it's "Game-ification," meaning to turn something into a game. At Pennsylvania State University, in 2006, its student-produced newspaper appears to be the first to put it into print when it warned that "The 'gamification' of romance sends the wrong message to kids raised on video games." Excellent point.
Read MoreChief Creative Officer at The Game Agency and The Training Arcade - exciting, engaging and educating audiences. With so many people into gaming, over the past few years, many corporate educators have prioritized game-based training in the workplace.
Read MoreHow can we use these games and stories as narrative learning tools? It's worth noting that there is a big difference between narrative learning and procedural learning in games. If you want to learn more about procedural learning in games, check out the page on procedural rhetoric and procedural learning.
Read MoreFrom hand-eye coordination to individualized learning, the number of skills learners acquire through technology will be invaluable in their futures. Incorporating game design and gamification into the classroom can enhance all of these benefits, while also preparing your students for their futures in a fast-growing industry.
Read MoreThe Games-Based Learning Alliance invites you to submit a session proposal for the second annual event occurring Friday April 22, 2022 – Sunday April 24, 2022.
Read MoreThe quarterbacking problem or "Alpha gamer problem"1 is a well-known phenomenon in tabletop cooperative games in which one or more alpha player(s)2 dominate the decision-making of the game against the consent of the other players.
Read MoreMultiple times per year for more than a decade there are foam darts left on the Ohio University College Green when the sun rises. They are the remains of a game played the night before where some dozens or hundreds of students have come together to simulate a zombie apocalypse.
Read MoreThe differences between video slots vs reels slots highlight how gamification has become more prevalent in modern slot games. The gamification elements which feature in modern slots include visual rewards, mini-games and levelling up, all of which are designed to keep players engaged with the game.
Read MoreAmerican and international students are connecting through exchange programs and diplomacy simulations that challenge them to work together and design solutions to global crises. These student diplomats participate in online simulations run by the National Museum of American Diplomacy, whose dedicated education program encourages teachers and students around the world to immerse themselves in the world of diplomacy.
Read MoreOrganizing games in groups comes with several advantages: it makes the game easier to manage and increases the number of constructive exchanges among students. We ran a survey asking students about their learning experience concerning the game, especially the game's ability to reduce the gap between distance and face-to-face learning.
Read MoreThe COVID pandemic-19 has shown us that an essential part of the school ritual is fulfilled simply because the school exists. Another characteristic of the school ritual reveals itself to us if we attend to the etymology of the word "School" that comes from the Greek "Scholé," meaning leisure.
Read MoreVideo games are not only a contested cultural space in America, but also a contested political space in which governments and corporations, journalists and activists, and players of every stripe, are competing to tell stories and shape perceptions about the world.
Read More"Gamification" - adding game-like elements into non-game or real-world settings - has become a popular concept in the pharmaceutical, healthcare, and event industries, especially as virtual engagement becomes more common during COVID-19.
Read MoreI just finished watching a YouTube lecture series called, "Shakespeare & Politics," taught by professor Paul Cantor at Harvard, and I recently wrote 4 articles which I also turned into podcast episodes, so let's see if we can turn Shakespeare's King Henry V into a game based lesson.
Read MoreGamification can occur in popular education or in more institutionalised contexts, such as middle and high schools. Gamification of academic and professional formation could lead to a more cohesive, understandable and engaging "Skill-tree based" system. Gamification could be a tool to empower individuals and communities or another means to enforce social engineering to the profit of powerful and untrustworthy entities.
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