Theming Game Structures
Theming Game Structures
Theming Game Structures
March 21, 2022
Player strategies are emergent styles of gameplay that ideally lead to having a shot at winning the game.
Games consist of goals and obstacles, and strategies are how players attempt to overcome obstacles to reach a goal.
Probably the easiest way to handle theming strategies is to design different player powers that lean into different strategies and give each power a specific character who has a motivation for behaving that way.
Most games have at least one type of optimization strategy.
The following strategies are subtypes of positive and/or negative optimization strategies.
If the actions of a game constitute the plot elements, then player strategies are how the story gets told.
So much of the experience of playing a game comes from deploying different strategies.
Theming game structures. (2022, March 21). ShippBoard Games. Retrieved April 6, 2022, from