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Posts tagged learning game
Thessalon First Nation man creates board game

Elders roll first in the new game Teepees and Wigwams. Thessalon First Nation inventor Des Barry created the new game along with a junior version, which only has 25 squares, looking like a bingo card. "About 2007, I played pool on a team called Bearclaws with legendary First Nation players like Stan Tourangeau and First Nation snooker legend Jimmy Bear. These guys are legends in the game."

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Learning Game Design: Game Mechanics

Game mechanics can also make gameplay more, or less, fun. Don't assume you can define the mechanics at the start of your game design journey and then never touch them again. It’s critical to test and tweak game mechanics. You may think a game mechanic will be great, only to find out via play-testing that it is hindering the players’ perception of your game’s “fun factor.” Or worse, actually hindering the learning experience.

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Hands On: Melodics turns learning musical concepts into a game

Turn learning core concepts of music composition into a seriously addictive game with Melodics. Don't worry - Melodics is here to gamify all the essential core concepts and teach you how to keep rhythm, play popular styles of drum beats, and even how to improvise like a pro. If you've ever played a rhythm game, like Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero, or Rock Band, you'll already understand how Melodics works.

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Games for Learning Webinar

Games are powerful platforms for entertainment and engagement. But can you use games for learning? Turns out that you can! You just need to put games in the right hands and use the right structure. Games can be used to engage students; reinforce learning outcomes; and create enviable activities that promote achievement and mastery. In this webinar we’ll cover what “games-based learning is” as well as how different learning theories (like self-determination) influence student learning. Games will be reviewed as a way to prime and scaffold students for learning. The “core loop” is the heart of games and this webinar will review how to use the core loop of established games to your advantage. Student progression systems; educator observations; and games-based learning outcomes will be covered as well as how educators can use games for assessment.

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Game generates training data for supercomputer mapping coral reefs

NeMO-Net also features an interactive video game by the same name that challenges players to identify and classify images of coral. Interactive tutorials train players on domain-specific knowledge, and the game periodically checks their labeling against pre-classified coral imagery to improve their classification skills, a paper on the project explained.

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