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Kirby’s creators on developing accessible games, and the darker horrors of the series

The Washington Post had an exclusive U.S. interview through email with the creators and developers of Kirby to talk about the legacy of the series and the latest game. Our direction for the story in Kirby and the Forgotten Land was to demonstrate that Kirby games can also have a lot more depth than people might expect.

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Why Learning Makes Great Games

In the world of games-based learning and gamification, we frequently see research on the efficacy of using games in learning applications, or articles and posts extolling the virtues of this approach. The ability to fail quickly, get timely feedback and experiment with different approaches until you get it right, are, after all, characteristics of games which makes them so suitable for learning.

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Using gamification to ignite student learning

Gamification in learning has transformed traditional learning into an enhanced learning strategy to tackle concepts that might otherwise be harder to understand. The same gamification principles applied to learning can lead to classes full of students who are intrinsically motivated to learn.

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New video game company aims to develop therapeutic games

Devolver Digital founder Mike Wilson is partnering with medical device expert Ryan Douglas to launch DeepWell Digital Therapeutics, a video game company that will both develop games that can treat health conditions. The company will also help outside companies identify existing games that have therapeutic value, the founders say.

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Gamification, past habits may impact future eco-friendly tendencies differently

Green consumer habits may not be impacted by gamification practices, but people who purchased environmentally friendly products in the past are likely to continue to do so, according to a team of researchers, who theorized that adding gamification techniques to a consumer's eco-friendly purchasing habits would perpetuate green consumerism.

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Gamified learning: the next frontier of EdTech?

Historically, education has always been centered around the classroom, with in-person teaching the preferred means of delivering lessons and corporate learning courses alike, outside the context of COVID-19. Many educators appear to have been keen to leave digital learning behind and return to the classroom as soon as social distancing measures and government guidance permit.

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