Game-Based Learning For STEM Education
Game-Based Learning For STEM Education
Game-Based Learning For STEM Education
By Camryn Shea
Gamification in the classroom is the application of game mechanics to lessons and course material.
Gamification of lessons does require more planning and creativity than simply incorporating educational games and game-based learning tools, but these two different methods can work in tandem.
Game-based learning is the utilization of games and challenges for learning and skill development with the goal to reach a winning outcome.
These game-based learning platforms are developed to teach players lesson material by translating it into a game environment.
Game-based learning is also incorporated into board games, classroom challenges, and other in-class student activities.
Rather than merging lessons and skill-building into the context of a game, gamification is the incorporation of game mechanics into a teaching exercise.
Overall, the goals of game-based learning and lesson gamification are to encourage students to engage, to view the learning material in a more dynamic and practical context, and to help them develop skills that foster understanding, problem-solving, and the practical application of their knowledge.
Shea, C. (2022). Camryn Shea. Retrieved April 5, 2022, from