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Innovation Education: Gaming - Learning at play

Innovation Education: Gaming - Learning at play

Innovation Education: Gaming - Learning at play

January 2022

By Elizabeth Bartels

Originally Published Here


eLearning games are all the rage, but will they help you improve online training ROI? Game-based learning can boost engagement and improve on-the-job performance.

Depending on the scope of your game-based learning project, you may need to hire additional staff for game development, such as SMEs, graphic designers, and ID pros.

How many people will you need on the task? How long will they take to complete each stage of the project and launch the game on time? What resources do they require? Of course, you can always opt for outsourcing to avoid these internal payroll hours.

An effective training game features characters, realistic settings, and other immersive elements.

Modern learners expect the latest technology, not a serious game that looks like it dates back to the early 2000s with outdated objectives.

Save on game upkeep by penciling regular updates into your schedule.

How much time do they need to familiarize themselves with the game controls? What about finishing the game and accessing follow-up resources? Calculate the amount of seat time for every activity and add that to your budget.


Bartels, E. (2022, January). Innovative education: Gaming - learning at play. Retrieved April 8, 2022, from https://www.informs.org/ORMS-Today/Public-Articles/August-Volume-41-Number-4/INNOVATIVE-EDUCATION-Gaming-Learning-at-play