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Game-based learning brings play into the high school classroom

"In a recent study, Johnson worked with students in her English Methods class to design, build and test an analog board game called Race to the White House. The teacher reported that her students needed more practice making claims based on evidence and anticipating counterarguments. The project offered the preservice teachers an invaluable opportunity to engage with high school students on an authentic learning project.

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Opinion: When choice becomes a metric, narrative design suffers

Although The Last Survey does indeed have choices that affect the gameplay and soundtrack, this doesn't inherently qualify as what some consider a "Choices-matter" title. For the sake of setting a definition of a choices matter game, here's my view: Games intended to fit within this subgenre don't only involve branching narratives based on player interaction, they also communicate how those choices affect gameplay in real-time.

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Fly Your Own Airship! New Steampunk Game: Air Sloop from Tesseray Games and Designer Dave Eng

Join the Air Sloop crew in the world of Dave Eng and enjoy this new, immersive, steampunk board game. Be one of the first to play and be a part of the great steampunk tradition. The game is easy enough for beginners yet offers high re-playability for even the most seasoned gamers. There are six different airships to pick from to explore a map that changes every time.

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Creating Game-Based Learning: 5 Design Tips

This reduced attention span of modern individuals means that digital learning designers and developers, in corporate organizations, not only need to create digital learning that helps learners/employees learn and develop skills and knowledge but also use strategies in digital learning which keep learners engaged, motivated and entertained throughout the duration of the module or course.

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Adding Strategy to your Tactics

These games are interesting, because while they have long arcs in terms of the RPG mechanics and inventory management, in a way they really can be described as a looping tactical engine. Winning the larger game can be expressed as a "Tally" of how many times you won the short Thinking more about smaller turn based/tile based games, I find that a lot of the time tactics seems to become dominant.

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Four Reasons Why Game-Based Learning Will Change Corporate Training For The Better

Game-based learning bridges that gap by giving participants the opportunity to apply their learning in real-time. So in search of a powerful learning tool that meets today's demands of growth, I have discovered Game-Based Learning and here's why I believe GBL will change corporate learning for years to come.

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Growing up Ojibwe' game teaches about treaty rights, tribal sovereignty

These games are interesting, because while they have long arcs in terms of the RPG mechanics and inventory management, in a way they really can be described as a looping tactical engine. Winning the larger game can be expressed as a "Tally" of how many times you won the short Thinking more about smaller turn based/tile based games, I find that a lot of the time tactics seems to become dominant.

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Rise of the Simulations: Why We Play At Hard Work

More interesting, and in stark contrast to their predecessors, the current crop is inextricably tied up in notions of work. Work sims are still niche in the sense that there's not a massive movement in gaming culture clamoring for them, as you see with RPGs, turn-based strategy games, and the like. In it, players drive old Soviet era work vehicles around expansive, dark forests.

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The versatility of gamification

Casey Campbell, Managing Director, North America at Gameloft for brands, looks at the many different ways in which brands can deploy gamification mechanics to good effect. Humans are hard-wired to enjoy playing games, and brands that can build an element of gamification into their customer engagement will reap the rewards.

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Game-based Learning: How it Works

Whether you're interested in studying game-based learning as a teacher or a game developer, your first step should be understanding why and how games empower learning. The Arguments for Game-based Learning Engagement At the top of most teachers' lists for why game-based learning works is probably going to be the most obvious answer: they can be engaging.

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Design From Within: Transformative and Culturally Responsive Co-Design Pedagogy During a Pandemic

Design From Within became the term we used to describe our transformative educational model that combined overlapping and complimentary perspectives from culturally responsive education and critical race theory. There is also a tendency in HCI to position design as pointing outward to an "Other", implying that researchers do not exist or interact within the communities for which they design.

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