Some leaders in the gaming industry want to push back against that narrative by creating games that encourage users to form communities as part of the gameplay. The idea is that by fostering more human interactions, games can promote positivity and openness, bringing people together instead of pushing them apart.
Read MoreIn the past month, developers of three major video games have announced special modes designed to help people with certain phobias play their games. Be smart: Developers behind these modes consider them a necessary matter of accessibility, no different from letting players who are colorblind select an option to change how colors appear in the game.
Read MoreNow mainstream developers are leveling up - increasingly considering accessibility when designing their games, whether to accommodate a visual impairment, a motor control issue or an anxiety disorder. "A lot more people want to play games and we want people to play games."
Read MoreGaming fans who've worked in special education or learning difficulties services may have regularly considered how some of the ingenious communicative devices could be used for gaming. Beyond technologies, these areas also offer several concepts and approaches that developers could utilize to create unique gaming experiences.
Read MoreMachine learning interests players with Procedural Content Generation for gaming. There are many ways to include machine learning in video games, and we now see the expansion of this field in the video game industry.
Read MoreThe play experiences game designers and developers create for teens can support them in building core social and emotional skills vital to their wellness.
Read MoreDevolver Digital founder Mike Wilson is partnering with medical device expert Ryan Douglas to launch DeepWell Digital Therapeutics, a video game company that will both develop games that can treat health conditions. The company will also help outside companies identify existing games that have therapeutic value, the founders say.
Read MoreGame Design vs. Game Development Yet another popular argument when it comes to game dev discussions is who is a part of a game's development - is it everyone on the team, just the leads, just the designer, etc.
Read MoreThese games are interesting, because while they have long arcs in terms of the RPG mechanics and inventory management, in a way they really can be described as a looping tactical engine. Winning the larger game can be expressed as a "Tally" of how many times you won the short Thinking more about smaller turn based/tile based games, I find that a lot of the time tactics seems to become dominant.
Read MoreThese games are interesting, because while they have long arcs in terms of the RPG mechanics and inventory management, in a way they really can be described as a looping tactical engine. Winning the larger game can be expressed as a "Tally" of how many times you won the short Thinking more about smaller turn based/tile based games, I find that a lot of the time tactics seems to become dominant.
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