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Everything You Need to Know About Gamification

Gamification has become popular in marketing because it helps brands build loyalty and engagement with their audience through gamified content. What is Gamification? Gamification is the process of using game thinking and game mechanics to motivate and engage people in a non-game context. Gamification has been used by organizations such as NASA, the US military and even governments.

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Teaching a difficult subject? Try gamifying your class

When I transitioned from in-person to asynchronous online teaching - in which my students and I engage with my course's content at different times - my greatest challenges were implementing experiential exercises online and creating meaningful interpersonal experiences without ever seeing my students.

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Video Games as an Effective Learning Medium – Are we there yet?

Amidst all the bustling speculation surrounding the potential of the metaverse, along with COVID-19 restrictions, video games have skyrocketed in popularity. The term 'gamification' has become a hot topic in the education landscape as developers attempt to tackle how we ignite a similar level of engagement seen in normal video games, in learning.

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10 Tips To Help Improve Your Online Gaming Experience

To the newbie, online gaming can be a bit difficult and somewhat confusing. There are a lot of first-timers who give up the whole gaming experience after just one difficult try. But with the right set of tips and environment, anyone can have a great gaming experience, even if the first try was not too good. In the past couple of years, the number of active online gaming users has shot up considerably, with new users signing up for one online game or another on a daily basis. Plus, online gaming comes with so many benefits for the gamer.

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