10 Tips To Help Improve Your Online Gaming Experience
10 Tips To Help Improve Your Online Gaming Experience
10 Tips To Help Improve Your Online Gaming Experience
Contributed Article
To the newbie, online gaming can be a bit difficult and somewhat confusing. There are a lot of first-timers who give up the whole gaming experience after just one difficult try. But with the right set of tips and environment, anyone can have a great gaming experience, even if the first try was not too good. In the past couple of years, the number of active online gaming users has shot up considerably, with new users signing up for one online game or another on a daily basis. Plus, online gaming comes with so many benefits for the gamer.
So, in this article, we will take a look at some useful tips to help improve your gaming experience, especially if you are trying it for the first time.
1. Have Fun With It
Have Fun With It
The first mistake you can make when trying to play an online game for the first time is being nervous or finding it intimidating. Beyond the impressive (and admittedly, sometimes very intimidating) graphics and gameplay, an online game is still only a game. It is not designed to cause you to stress out or get angry - although that seems to happen a lot. And as much as online gaming helps to stimulate the mind and boost one focus and concentration, it is also designed to help people relax and have fun. And if you are a first-time online gamer, you should only be thinking about having fun. The skill will come along as you continue playing.
2. Play The Game You Have
Lately, anytime a person hears the term online game, the first things that come to mind are the recently popular first-person shooter and multiplayer games such as Call Of Duty, Elder Scrolls Online, Warcraft, and Fortnite. And as much as there is a good reason for this, there are also a lot of online games that are also very popular - although they do not get the same level of recognition. For example, online games that are based on the old board games, puzzle-solving games, and familiar card games, etc. do not get the headlines. However, these games are equally as fun to play as the other types. So, the point here is to play and enjoy the game you have. Don’t fall for the hype. You do not have to play a ‘popular’ online game to have a great gaming experience.
3. Ready Yourself
Do not make the ultimate rookie mistake of getting behind an online game without knowing what it is about or how to play it. No matter the kind of game you are playing, take a few minutes to know what it is about first. Most games these days come with introductory videos that tell you what the game is about in a few minutes or less. Alternatively, if you are looking for even more details about the game, some great tricks, and a few hacks, then there are a number of online communities to join. You can learn about some basic gameplay as well as some technical and gaming errors to avoid. In addition to this, most creators have social media and YouTube accounts that you can subscribe to. Such platforms also provide regular updates about their games.
4. Make Some Friends
Make Some Friends
Sometimes, the best way to have an enjoyable first online gaming experience is to bring some friends along. Having a number of real-life friends, either guiding you through your first online gaming experience or going through the learning experience with you can create a special moment worth remembering. It will also increase your love or fondness for the game. Aside from bringing your own friends along, online gaming also gives you the chance to make new friends altogether, inside the game. Some online games allow for some level of interactive experience when playing multiplayer games.
5. Start Slowly
Don’t make the mistake of thinking you can play like a pro on your first couple of attempts. It will take time, so take your time to learn slowly. How quickly you are able to pick up on the gameplay depends on what kind of game you are playing. In order to help you (or any new player, for that matter) almost every game comes with difficult levels. The beginning stages are relatively easy as they usher the gamer into the game. The challenge gets tougher as the game progresses and the player makes progress. Thus, as a newbie to the game, stick to the beginner levels until you are skilled enough to advance. Trying to advance too quickly, or skipping the beginner levels on your first attempt can be frustrating and cause you to lose interest very quickly.
6. Use The Right Controls
Every online game comes with controls. Most of the time, the controls can be changed or adjusted in the game settings. If you are struggling with using some control keys (especially when you are playing with a computer keyboard), you can always change the control options in the settings to use the keys you are more comfortable with. Another side of online game controls has to do with a set of tools provided by the game creators to help you block and report foul, toxic, or cheating online players. As you continue to gain more experience in online gaming, you will be able to identify such cheaters relatively easily. Consider it your responsibility to not only block but also report them. Doing so helps to make the gaming experience a better one.
7. Create A Kid-Friendly Online Experience
Create A Kid-Friendly Online Experience
While doing your part to help get rid of toxic online players and cheaters, also consider it your responsibility to make the online experience a kid-friendly one before allowing your younger siblings, friends, or even kids to have a go at it. This is because most toxic players do not know the difference between age and even gender. For example, you can block off certain chat channels that you think a minor should see before allowing him/her to access the game.
8. Don’t Spend Too Much Or Play Too Long
The online gaming experience can be a very fun one. It can also be very addictive. If you lack self-discipline or self-control, you could end up spending too much time behind the game. This is a very unhealthy habit. Thus, always set a maximum time limit (usually, not more than an hour and a half and shorter for kids) for yourself, and ensure that you do not play beyond the set time limit. A lot of online games indicate that they are free to play upon download. But after installing and playing for a while, you may realize that they require some in-app or in-game purchases in order to make quick gaming progress. A choice is thus presented to you - pay to progress quickly, or grind it out and make very very slow progress. The former is more often the more tempting option if you have some cash to burn. However, just like you set gaming time limits, also set spending limits. And ensure that you do not spend more than that. The idea of spending a lot of money on in-game purchases can also make the gaming experience very frustrating when you are not able to make the kind of progress you want or have paid for. If you are a lover of online slot games such as the candy grab slot, you are given an idea before-hand on how much you can make or spend even before you start playing. But in cases where you have no idea, then set your own limits.
9. Protect Your Privacy
Always remember that online gaming is a community that is made of thousands of other gamers around the world. And the fact that you are alone behind your computer or game console does not mean that your privacy is protected. Plus, not every online player is trying to play clean. There could be a number of them with rather malicious intentions that could range from trying to steal your game progress, game rewards, or in-game purchases. Thus, do your part to protect your gaming experience. You can do this, first, by creating a strong password. Secondly, do not share your password with anyone. Thirdly, do not share any of your personal info with anyone. Furthermore, do not click on links from other gamers or even odd links that appear in your email from the game publisher.
10. Be A Good Sport
We have already mentioned about cheaters, scammers, and all manner of toxic people all over the online gaming platforms. As much as it is your responsibility to fish them out and report them, it is also your responsibility to play fair at all times. As you begin to gather more experience and skill in your online gaming journey, do not in any way try to cheat your way out. You may receive emails or links claiming to teach you how to way your way around certain loopholes, but do not fall for those. Shortcuts only contribute to ruining the gaming experience. Most of the time, the fun is not in the progress you make in the game, but rather in the experiences and memories you gather while making those progress. And shortcuts will only deprive you of those memories and experiences. So be a good sport.