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Fostering Fun: Engaging Students with Asynchronous Online Learning

Today, faculty are being asked to abruptly expand their teaching practices in ways many of us would never have imagined. For many, teaching online is something they’ve never done and for some, it’s something they never desired to do. I have some experience with digital pedagogy but for me personally, asynchronous online teaching holds the highest level of difficulty because my style of teaching induces and relies on a sense of community, connection, and interaction within the classroom.

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Games for Learning Webinar

Games are powerful platforms for entertainment and engagement. But can you use games for learning? Turns out that you can! You just need to put games in the right hands and use the right structure. Games can be used to engage students; reinforce learning outcomes; and create enviable activities that promote achievement and mastery. In this webinar we’ll cover what “games-based learning is” as well as how different learning theories (like self-determination) influence student learning. Games will be reviewed as a way to prime and scaffold students for learning. The “core loop” is the heart of games and this webinar will review how to use the core loop of established games to your advantage. Student progression systems; educator observations; and games-based learning outcomes will be covered as well as how educators can use games for assessment.

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10 Tips To Help Improve Your Online Gaming Experience

To the newbie, online gaming can be a bit difficult and somewhat confusing. There are a lot of first-timers who give up the whole gaming experience after just one difficult try. But with the right set of tips and environment, anyone can have a great gaming experience, even if the first try was not too good. In the past couple of years, the number of active online gaming users has shot up considerably, with new users signing up for one online game or another on a daily basis. Plus, online gaming comes with so many benefits for the gamer.

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I’ve committed to 365 Board Game plays in 2020. Here’s the update from June so far…

Like last year, I set a goal to play 365 board games in one year. This isn’t 365 plays of DIFFERENT board games (i.e. if I play checkers 3 times then it counts as 3 plays). I’m doing this to ensure that I play a lot of board games but also a breath of different board games. I also barely made my goal last year. So I know that 365 is a difficult (but attainable) challenge!

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