Changing a classic board game to online: A look behind the scenes
Changing a classic board game to online: A look behind the scenes
Changing a classic board game to online: A look behind the scenes
By Christian Marko
June 20, 2020
Due to the restrictions regarding physical contact, the Board Game could not be tested as planned.
This article shares our experiences and ideas for an effective transformation process from a classic board game setup to online use.
We are passionate facilitators and game designers but not technicians, hence we will focus on the thinking behind changing the environment setup.
After finishing the "Transformation", the online version has some specific characteristics compared to the board game.
We included the element of "Establishing an internal structure of communication" as task, which the teams have to deal with prior entering "Lord McGroundwork's Shipyard" and starting the actual game.
Starting the after-game-reflection with a short debrief of how the game experience worked online gives you and the team an indication of the first part.
Summing up, changing a board game into an online version can be challenging as non-technical expert, but is a very interesting experience as game designer and facilitator.
When accepting that the new game is unique and not a simple copy of the board game, diving into the possibilities the online world has to offer can lead to many learnings.
Our main take aways are that the idea of our board game version was successfully tested and such a transition can challenge you as facilitator resulting in valuable learnings for facilitations in general.
We are happy how our Business Learning Game "Lord McGroundwork's Shipyard" made progress and as the playtests were very successful, we now even consider making an online version of it as well.
Marko, C. (2020, June 20). Changing a classic board game to online: A look behind the scenes. Retrieved June 22, 2020, from