The player experience is something that we all shoot for in design. That’s true whether we’re using games-based learning, gamification, serious games, or simulations. That’s because the player experience is what the player goes through when they play the game. These are the main takeaways for students and the memorable moments for players. That experience can be as simple as gamified mechanics in gamification; a games-based learning class; a simulation; or a serious game. The player experience dictates how our creation, our game, is received by our users. This presentation will examine the player experience from a design standpoint. It includes how to address player motivation; the creation of meaningful choices; designing for balance; adhering to usability; determining aesthetics; and emphasizing fun.
Read MoreThere are many ways in which individuals and communities can start to explore their own responsibilities and potential in relation to the climate crisis. As games designers, games theorists/teachers, facilitators of games-based learning and practitioners of playful / gameful design in general, our panellists believe that games and gamification can be powerful tools for exploring what is, and what can be. Gameful design can help in raising awareness and achieving deep learning in complex issues, as well as motivating and empowering individual behaviour modification, systemic understanding and change, and innovation practices.
Read MoreGames are powerful platforms for entertainment and engagement. But can you use games for learning? Turns out that you can! You just need to put games in the right hands and use the right structure. Games can be used to engage students; reinforce learning outcomes; and create enviable activities that promote achievement and mastery. In this webinar we’ll cover what “games-based learning is” as well as how different learning theories (like self-determination) influence student learning. Games will be reviewed as a way to prime and scaffold students for learning. The “core loop” is the heart of games and this webinar will review how to use the core loop of established games to your advantage. Student progression systems; educator observations; and games-based learning outcomes will be covered as well as how educators can use games for assessment.
Read MoreGamification is the use of game elements in non-game contexts. You can use games for learning. But where should you start? Where should you begin? Can you even use games for online learning? The answer is yes: there are a few elements of games that you can use for an online learning environment. In this webinar, we’ll review four different areas that you can use for your current or future classes, courses, and trainings. This session will cover: Simulations, Inverted Grading, Avatars, and Feedback Loops. Applications and use cases will be discussed.
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