Gamification in energy
Gamification in energy
Gamification in energy
By Filip Prochazka
June 12, 2020
In the energy sector it can be used to inform participants about energy topics or to motivate customers to reach energy efficiency or demand response objectives in a playful manner.
In this episode we speak with Filip Prochazka, CEO at Mycroft Mind, Czech-based technology company building a portfolio of innovative systems for processing and analysing big data collected from new sources intelligent smart grids or IoT. He provides unique insights of the future of visualisation and gamification of data that improves employee engagement and motivation as well as simplifying increasingly complex data and analytics with the energy sector.
As advanced analytics becomes increasingly business critical for utilities, what arethe key trends regarding visualisation of big data.
Filip Procházka has more than 15 years experience in the real-time processing of large data volumes, event detection and big-data analysis for industry and utilities.
Mycroft Mind is working for large distribution system operators like CEZ, Iberdrola and E.ON. "Life is energy. If we are concerned about our lifestyle, we should also care about where we take the energy from and how well are we using it. Same as we profit and grow from sharing our lives with other people, we can profit from sharing energy with our neighbours. That's why we focus on energy communities and smart grid optimisation in our research and development activities." - Filip Procházka, CEO of Mycroft Mind.
Mycroft Mind is a Czech high-tech company providing top-class advanced data analytics for IoT networks.
With over 8 years on energy market and 15 billion smart meter data processed, they know how to help energy distributors, utilities, cities and manufacturers to face the emerging challenges of the information era.
Prochazka, F. (2020, June 12). Gamification in energy. Retrieved June 13, 2020, from