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Gamifying Events: Experience, Agency and Role playing

While my new year resolution was to create more content, there were two main events that have kept me from achieving that promise: my own wedding and an event me and my team designed with LNL Agency for Coca-Cola! How are they related? Well, actually I landed the second job thanks to what me and my wife designed for our wedding, and it was the learnings we got from doing the first that lead us to probably one of our most successful experiences in the field of life-event gamification.

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Revolutionizing Language Learning: Gamification in Engaging and Diversifying the User Experience

Gamification as a solution - A story of a diverse digital product designer Have you ever wondered how Duolingo has transformed language learning behaviors and enriched countless lives? It's a revolutionary app with more users than there are public school students in the U.S. What's the key to Duolingo's widespread success? The answer is straightforward - It's a gamified learning experience, crafted by a dedicated team of creative minds.

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The Brilliant Scholar Challenging Racism In Game Design

During her keynote speech at last year's ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in New Orleans, Dr. Kishonna Grey shared a story about the game Pokémon Go. She'd just become a professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and as someone who studies games and their intersections with factors like gender and race and with Black experience in particular, she was eager to learn about this game that had become such a cultural sensation.

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