How gamification is changing the education market
How gamification is changing the education market
How gamification is changing the education market
By Anna Mitchelle
January 6, 2023
To quote Pink Floyd, "Hey, teacher! Leave those kids alone!" But how can learning be delivered in a way that engages students, encourages memory retention for learners and delivers an overall positive experience to both the learner and the teacher?
"What we're starting to see now is a realisation that the technology isn't so much a training medium, but a practice and assessment medium; that's an important distinction to make. We used to specialise in VR training and learning, but we offer traditional learning experiences and put it into practice through gaming. Once you get your head around that, the concept of gamification becomes very obvious. If you are asking people to test themselves on something they have learned, you have to keep score and have a gamification aspect, otherwise nobody remembers it."
While the gamification of the education market is clearly an emerging opportunity, the rise of a new generation of learners has the power to change the way that students learn forever.
While studies exist to show the impact that gamification can have on learners in certain scenarios, there are still many uncertainties when it comes to adoption of gamification technology, accessibility of price point and the results that end users experience after making that investment.
"The way is clear. Gamification will become much bigger in time, but we need to translate the technology into real value. If it's just gaming then it will be fun for the students, but it's not enhancing the quality of the lessons, so we need to be sensitive about how this technology is integrated into lessons. We are talking to many creatives who are thinking about these solutions. At the end of the day, every element of gamification is connected and brought together in the end, so we need to offer easy access to learning providers."
Steve Grubbs, CEO of education software provider VictoryXR, says: "Instruction is always evolving. From writing in the dirt thousands of years ago through to blackboards, video, tablets and computers today. Immersive learning is the next generation of delivering instruction and every single student in the world will be engaging in immersive learning in ten years' time. If education institutions want to attract the Fortnite generation, then they need to meet the Fortnite generation where they're at, and that's in synchronous, multiplayer online worlds."
"Blurring the line between an interactive experience and a gaming experience, the metaverse offers new opportunities for gamification entrepreneurs to educate and entertain at the same time. One method is 'explorative learning' where users are immersed in a virtual journey, solving educational problems as they journey through an immersive, fantasy space. Steve Grubbs, CEO of education software provider VictoryXR, explains:"We create digital twins of learning spaces utilising gaming engines like Unity.
Mitchelle, A. (2023, January 6). How gamification is changing the Education Market. Inavate Magazine.