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Of Lyric Games and Trick-taking

Of Lyric Games and Trick-taking

Of Lyric Games and Trick-taking

March 25, 2022

By Sarah Le-Fevre

Originally Published Here


While 'Hope is Not a Plan' is new to me, lyric games have been much on my mind recently, and one in particular 'Brave Sparrow' has partially provided the inspiration for a play session that Terry Pearce and I will be running at the Games Based Learning Virtual Conference April 22 - 24.

Alongside 'lyric games' another idea that arose was about games which are created in play - thereby ensuring relevance to the players.

Joe Slack gave us an article which considers the advantages and pitfalls of collaboration in the games design process itself.

While Micael DeSousa showed us how he has been using collaborative games to bring stakeholders into thedesign process of shared urban spaces.

What would happen if, instead of being asked to create games to facilitate learning, we were asked to create learning to facilitate fun?

Bridge has got me tuned into trick-taking games too.

Something to look forward in the much further future is my copy of Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast from Possum Creek Games - my crowdfunding habit continues unabated Which bring us full-circle back to lyric games.


Le-Fevre, S. (2022, March 25). Of lyric games and trick-taking. Retrieved March 31, 2022, from https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/lyric-games-trick-taking-sarah-le-fevre/