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A New Take Of Socializing Through A Non-Cooperative Environment

Socializing games play a natural part in individual growth and the discovery of new skills. Many educators create a game-based environment to support the learning process and encourage their students to develop with the environment. As such, our understanding of socializing games encompasses socializing at the heart of the gameplay.

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I’ve committed to 365 Board Game plays in 2020. Here’s the update from August so far…

Like last year, I set a goal to play 365 board games in one year. This isn’t 365 plays of DIFFERENT board games (i.e. if I play checkers 3 times then it counts as 3 plays). I’m doing this to ensure that I play a lot of board games but also a breath of different board games. I also barely made my goal last year. So I know that 365 is a difficult (but attainable) challenge!

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Once Upon a Dice Roll

The first year Narratology for Games module has, as many long standing and ever-evolving programmes do, had an interesting history of being split, merged, moved around and eventually settled into its slot as a popular optional choice in the raft of first year choices.

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Representation in Games Panel at PAX Online 2020

This presentation will address the historical overview of representation in games as well as how representation reflects the direction of the game industry. The presentation will review reasons to become more representative as well as some negative aspects that under-representation or misrepresentation has had in games. The presentation will cover the growing diversity of gamers as well as some prime examples to follow. Representation is addressed as a concept of design accessibility and is followed with actions designers and gamers can take.

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