Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference 2022 Call for Session Proposals
Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference 2022 Call for Session Proposals
Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference 2022 Call for Session Proposals
What is the Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference?
The Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference is a three day event hosted by the Games-Based Learning Alliance (GBLA) and University XP.
The conference debuted for the first time in April 2021. It hosted 4 live and interactive presentations; 29 ground-breaking educational sessions which were led by 41 educators from every continent. Over a 100+ participants shared their knowledge, practices, and expertise of using games, gamification, and games-based learning with one another.
The goal of our conference is to connect academics, educators, designers, researchers, creators and professionals in a space to discuss and share best practices using games, gamification, and games-based learning for teaching, learning, training, education, and development.
When is the Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference 2022?
The conference takes place during the weekend over three days:
Friday April 22, 2022
Saturday April 23, 2022
Sunday April 24, 2022
Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference 2022 information can be found here.
Where will the Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference held?
The conference is held online and completely virtually using a combination of Zoom Webinars ®, Mighty Networks ®, Wonder ®, and Teachable ® to connect attendees, host networking, and provide and serve conference content.
Conference Proposal Statement
The Games-Based Learning Alliance invites you to submit a session proposal for the second annual event occurring Friday April 22, 2022 – Sunday April 24, 2022.
Diversity Statement
The Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference believes in spreading the knowledge of innovators. We believe that innovation is enhanced by a variety of perspectives, and our goal is to create an inclusive, respectful conference environment that invites participation from people of all races, ethnicities, genders, ages, abilities, religions, geographies, nationalities, sexual orientation, and neurodiversity.
The conference actively seeks to increase the diversity of our attendees, speakers, and sponsors through our calls for proposals, other open submission processes, and through dialogue with the larger communities we serve.
The conference requests that you forward the call for proposals to relevant affinity groups with the message that we are looking for a diverse speaker roster.
Session Content Types
Educational Session (Asynchronous & Pre-Recorded)
This represents a “lecture” type of presentation in which information is shared didactically in a pre-recorded video format.
If accepted, session content should be recorded by the coordinating presenter and submitted to the conference staff for editing, transcription, and upload to the conference platforms.
If accepted, finished presentations should be between 35-55 minutes in total recorded length.
Opening Session (Live)
This represents a “keynote” and interview type of presentation in which information is shared through a live and synchronous conversation with a HOST.
If accepted, the presenters(s) will be scheduled for a live and synchronous interview to start a day of the conference.
If accepted, this session should be between 45-50 minutes in total length.
Demonstration Session (Live)
This represents a live demonstration of finished game design or learning experience in which information is shared experientially in a live and INSTRUCTOR lead format.
If accepted, this session should be between 40-50 minutes in total length.
Game Playtest Session (Live)
This represents a live demonstration of an in-progress; draft; or not-yet-published or otherwise publicly available learning game; educational game; or simulation.
The game should be available for live testing online.
If accepted, this session content should be outlined and prepared to be between 40-50 minutes in total length.
Workshop Session (Live)
This represents a live and interactive training where participants carry out a number of training activities in which information is shared experientially in a live and GROUP directed format.
If accepted, this session content should be outlined and prepared to be between 40-50 minutes in total length.
Accepted Presenter Benefits
All accepted sessions come with complimentary conference access for all included speakers and panelists of the session.
Examples of Past Sessions
Sessions can be submitted as either Single Presenter presentation or with multiple Presenters as a Panel.
Here are recorded examples of a finished Pre-Recorded Single Presenter Educational Session. Here is an example of a finished Pre-Recorded Panel Educational Session.
2022 Conference Theme
The theme for the conference is to provoke discussion about using games as a medium for teaching and learning and as a way to communicate and connect through both in-person and virtual learning communities.
Proposal Timeline
1) Proposals are due by November 7, 2021 at 11:59pm (ET)
2) Proposals decisions sent by January 9, 2022 at 11:59pm (ET)
3) Commitments from presenters due by January 16, 2022 at 11:59pm (ET)
4) Pre-Recorded Content ONLY Due March 6, 2022 at 11:59pm (ET)
5) Live Sessions Occur Friday April 22 – Sunday April 24, 2022
Submit your Session Proposal
Content Disclaimer
By submitting my session proposal I give permission and grant University XP LLC (DBA The Games-Based Learning Virtual Conference) a royalty-free license to use, reproduce and distribute my presentation (including, but not limited to, all handouts; video recordings; audio recordings; chats; questions; and slide decks) in any way in the future, with appropriate attribution to me. I understand that this license does not change the fact that I retain copyright ownership of my session, and does not prohibit me from using my session in any way or from allowing others to use it.
Multiple, different, and distinct session proposals may be submitted by a single coordinating presenter using a separate application for each proposal. However, the Games-Based Learning Alliance and University XP LLC reserves the right to restrict and/or limit conference presentations including the same presenter in an effort to maximize a diversity of voices, speakers, and experiences at the conference.
By submitting your session proposal you also warrant that you posses the legal right and ability to present said content without infringing on the copyright or trademark of other individuals or entities.
Session Proposal Questions
Coordinating Presenter:
Both INDIVIDUAL and PANEL sessions may be submitted. However, the following information is ONLY necessary for the Coordinating (Lead) presenter for each session. Should your proposal be accepted, additional requests will be submitted for your fellow presenters.
1. First Name*
2. Last Name*
3. Preferred Pronouns*
4. Contact E-Mail*
5. Title
6. Organization
7. Bio*
8. Headshot*
9. Social Media Links (Include Full Link http://)*
10. Full Names of Other Presenters Associated with this Session
11. Session Title *Maximum 100 characters.
12. Session Summary *Maximum 1,000 characters.
13. Session Outline (List Bullet Points) *Maximum 1,000 characters.
14. Session Takeaways (List Bullet Points) *Maximum 1,000 characters.
15. Content Disclaimer
Dave Eng