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What Games Can Do For Your Life

Anyone who loves to play games should have some sense already of what they can do for you, but it is often going to be useful to have a look at it in some detail anyway. That way, you can be sure that you are going to get as much out of them as possible. It is also just interesting to know about what games can do to make your life better, especially in a world where they are often treated as unimportant or excessive. Let’s look into this now in some detail and see what games can be really good for.

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What Can Video Games Teach Us About Instructional Design?

The best video games have small successes that people go through. In some cases, this involves a series of levels . But in some cases, users move through the levels by creating something on their own. My son loves Minecraft and yet the success has been incremental, as he slowly learns the craft of Minecraft. What I've realized is that tasks are more engaging when success is incremental. There's some fascinating research that people will work harder when they are closer to reaching a goal .

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