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Researcher at U-I creates educational game about the flu

A University of Iowa researcher whose two-year-old son died from influenza in early 2020 has helped develop an online game to teach children about about the flu and the importance of vaccines. U-I biology professor Maurine Neiman is co-creator of the game, "Flu's Clues," where players try to determine which countries around the world are seeing flu outbreaks.

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What Video Games Can Teach About Teaching

In his landmark 2003 book What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy James Paul Gee detailed the ways video games do a better job of facilitating literacy learning than education institutions. Now is the perfect time to revisit the principles of why video games are so good at teaching and learning in ways most virtual classes don't seem to be.

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A serious gamed-based approach to assessing surgical residents

A team of Stanford Medicine-based surgeons has paired up with a UC-Santa Cruz "Serious game" developer and assistant professor, Edward Melcer, PhD, to create a game-based online platform for assessing surgical decision making. The patient's vital signs are displayed overhead. A medical chart provides a brief synopsis of the patient's signs and symptoms.

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Is There a Way to Combine Games and Education?

Is there a way to combine games and education? And if so, what are the benefits? Can games ever be beneficial to learning? Peachy Essay will help you with any writing services. Benefits of Using Games in Education One of the main arguments for using games in education is motivation. More benefits include; Games are Motivating One of the main benefits of using games in education is motivation.

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Startups use tech, ‘gamification’ for public health problems

Wellth, founded in 2014, seeks the answers by employing behavioral economics, which takes into account individual biases and how they affect decision-making. Users can earn small payouts, funded by Wellth clients that include medical groups and insurance companies, for doing things like taking their medication daily, a "Gamified" feature that encourages habit-forming behaviors.

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Playing Games Has Helped Humans Learn—and Survive

Alt dek: In. both games and life, how well you prepare in the early stages could determine how well you do in the later ones. It's a game called Muck, and it's another in a long line of contemporary survival video games. It's a delicate mix of entertainment and strategy, yet on a much deeper level, playing games may contribute to our overall evolutionary survival.

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How D&D Can Prepare You for Education

When we think of games, we tend to think about recreational time. We think about relaxing, letting our hair down and having fun. Of course, games can tick all of these boxes. But have you ever considered how games could prove useful for education purposes too? Nowadays, more schools and other educational institutions are incorporating gaming into their syllabus to teach valuable skills and knowledge that can be applicable to other areas of life. For now, let’s focus on Dungeons and Dragons and how this world famous board game can prove useful for education!

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Why is gamified learning through creative learning activities important for early childhood education

Gamified learning is one of the most prominent trends which has been successfully implemented in early childhood learning. How is early childhood learning impacted by gamification you might ask. Early childhood research proves that children learn best through active, sensorial exploration and engagement.

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Gamenomics – Gamifying Stock Investments

In short, the gamified app is doing more than enabling learning the basics of stock market investments; rather it is building a community of stock market enthusiasts who are helping each other build and grow their wealth! As a game designer, I have drawn inspiration from many such exceptional applications of gamification for learning. What is the deterrent that you have to remove to create a safe space for your learners?

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