Alt dek: In. both games and life, how well you prepare in the early stages could determine how well you do in the later ones. It's a game called Muck, and it's another in a long line of contemporary survival video games. It's a delicate mix of entertainment and strategy, yet on a much deeper level, playing games may contribute to our overall evolutionary survival.
Read MoreThe gaming community has long referred to the orc- and elf-filled game as "World of Warcrack." Scientifically, do video games-from MMORPGs to shooters to RPGs-affect our brains? And despite the drawbacks, can the brain benefit from video games?
Read MoreJordan Leak has been a fan of gaming since he picked up his PlayStation 2 for the first time and is now playing competitively. "Esports is basically competitive gaming, and I teach a gaming concepts course," he said.
Read MoreIn Roblox's May survey of teenagers, 30 percent of respondents indicated their parents were "Showing more interest in their online lives, including learning about and playing Roblox with them." Despite my concerns about screen time, the more my kids and I played together, the more I saw that online gaming was affecting our family in positive ways.
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