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How Video Games Improves Your Mental Health

The idea that video gaming improves your mental health and brain function is still relatively new. Most people still think that video gaming causes lethargy and social disengagement. The reality is quite different, especially with new generation games that bring communities together. In this article we outline some of the ways console gaming is beneficial for your mental health and can improve your brain's function.

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How gamification keeps customers engaged, loyal and repeat buyers

Gamification - the use of game elements in a non-game context - offers a great way to keep customers engaged, loyal and repeat buyers. First it is necessary to look at how gamification can be implemented as part of a marketing campaign. A good example of how to make customers interact with brands is gamification through connected experiences.

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Learning Game Design: Game Mechanics

Game mechanics can also make gameplay more, or less, fun. Don't assume you can define the mechanics at the start of your game design journey and then never touch them again. It’s critical to test and tweak game mechanics. You may think a game mechanic will be great, only to find out via play-testing that it is hindering the players’ perception of your game’s “fun factor.” Or worse, actually hindering the learning experience.

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Health Technology, Gamification, and Game Mechanics

Gamification and game mechanics have been introduced into the health care arena to help engage and motivate us. Neatly packaged as fun and sparking a competitive spirit, programs that incorporate game mechanics often come equipped with communication tools to compete against other users and feature points, levels and leaderboards that allow for comparisons between different people and/or teams.

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Stratbeans' game-based learning helps organisations to enhance their employee’s skills during remote

Stratbeans, a leading AI-based digital learning solutions provider has developed a unique approach to enhance employees' skills while working remotely. Game-based learning solution aims to motivate employees and help them enhance their skills and quality of work through its engaging approach.

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Game-based learning platform will make education accessible to refugees

The Education for All project is creating an interactive, game-based learning platform for K-through-12 students. The project, titled Education for All, is one of four awardees of Wichita State University's Convergence Sciences Initiative, an effort to bring together the intellectual curiosity and strengths of faculty and students from a range of disciplines and give them the support to develop research programs that drive the diversity and growth of the Kansas economy while addressing global challenges.

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