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Online gaming class a big hit for local school

Online gaming class a big hit for local school

Online gaming class a big hit for local school

Online gaming class a big hit for local school

By Timothy Ramsey

October 28, 2020

Originally Published Here


The program focuses on gaming concepts and Esports, which is an industry that has really taken off in the last decade.

Jordan Leak has been a fan of gaming since he picked up his PlayStation 2 for the first time and is now playing competitively.

"Esports is basically competitive gaming, and I teach a gaming concepts course," he said.

"I talked to Dr. Wolfe, our head of school, and he was like, 'Hey, let's see if we can make our own Esports team and see if we can bring it up and get kids into school just for playing video games'," said Leak.

To his surprise, many of the students in his class are new to the world of gaming.

"In 2016, gaming just started to get huge where they were giving away scholarships," he said.

Leak stated he wants the kids in his program to earn as much scholarship money as possible, because he knows a lot of parents and students are aware there is money available for gaming.

"In my class, we start at middle school and I think that would be smart for others because there are people that play the game for a living, so you have to start young and practice every day like you would a sport," Leak said about Esports and gaming.

Beyond scholarships, there is big money involved with gaming.

He hopes similar programs like this pop up at other high schools around the county so more kids have an opportunity to seize their chance at gaming success, whether academically or professionally.


Ramsey, T. (2020, October 28). Online gaming class a big hit for local school. Retrieved October 30, 2020, from https://wschronicle.com/2020/10/online-gaming-class-a-big-hit-for-local-school/