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Learning Game Design: Game Mechanics

Learning Game Design: Game Mechanics

Learning Game Design: Game Mechanics

Learning Game Design: Game Mechanics

By Sharon Boller

July 17, 2013

Originally Published Here


Learning Game Design: Game Mechanics

In my last post, I talked about getting familiar with game elements. Specifically, I focused on game goals and game dynamics. Now we're going to shift our focus to game mechanics.

Examples of mechanics or rules that games follow

The mechanics listed below are all from digital games I've helped develop—they are coded into the game.

Game mechanics and fun

Game mechanics can also make gameplay more, or less, fun. Don't assume you can define the mechanics at the start of your game design journey and then never touch them again. It’s critical to test and tweak game mechanics. You may think a game mechanic will be great, only to find out via play-testing that it is hindering the players’ perception of your game’s “fun factor.” Or worse, actually hindering the learning experience.

You want your game mechanics to be clear, enhance the game play experience, support your game goal, and contribute to the learning experience.  They are not an afterthought.


Boller, S. (2013, July 06). Learning Game Design: Game Mechanics. Retrieved October 28, 2020, from http://www.theknowledgeguru.com/learning-game-design-mechanics/