Whether you want to emulate your favorite streamers, take a shot at becoming a competitive gamer, or you simply want to improve your current setup, it can be difficult to know where to start. The marketplace for gaming equipment and accessories is saturated with a considerable amount of options.
Read MoreA game is a system made up of a set of rules, obstacles, and choices, in which the player needs to learn from his mistakes to be successful.
Read MoreI’m working on my writing and research agenda for the University XP blog over the next few months. I’d like to focus on the questions that people have about designing, playing, and using games for teaching and learning.
Read MoreThe founders of the nonprofit had gathered heaps of anecdotal evidence that tabletop games such as Dungeons & Dragons could help kids who struggled socially - whether they had autism, ADHD, anxiety or other challenges - learn to more successfully interact with others.
Read MoreAre you interested in being on our podcast? We’re exploring a new format where we take a deep dive into a specific topic related to games and learning. If you are interested, please complete this form. You will be contacted if you are chosen to be a guest. Please allow, 2 to 4 weeks to hear back from Dustin.
Read MoreThis means we must seek different ways to present content to students in such a way that they can understand it, especially in an online environment and remain engaged as well. This immediately shows us the need to provide content that will cater to these learning styles, otherwise, some students might be permanently left out and find it difficult to learn simply because they do not learn in the way you have been teaching.
Read MoreA great theory with bad measurements will lead to worse results than a weak theory with great measurements. Bad measurements will improve theory only a bit while good measurement can move theory by miles.
Read MoreGames can lead to performance improvements and better team dynamics, all of which can drive tremendous results. I've used games and contests throughout my career. Outside of using games to sharpen your mental agility, how can you bring gamification into your business? There are many examples.
Read MoreIf you were to ask me to name female Chinese characters in games from my childhood, I'd be able to count them on one hand.
Read MoreEducational video games are almost as old as the modern computer industry itself. Video games are far and away the most popular form of play for older children. Cognitively, games provide both challenge and reward.
Read MoreThere are many ways in which individuals and communities can start to explore their own responsibilities and potential in relation to the climate crisis. As games designers, games theorists/teachers, facilitators of games-based learning and practitioners of playful / gameful design in general, our panellists believe that games and gamification can be powerful tools for exploring what is, and what can be. Gameful design can help in raising awareness and achieving deep learning in complex issues, as well as motivating and empowering individual behaviour modification, systemic understanding and change, and innovation practices.
Read MoreGames are powerful platforms for teaching, learning, training, and education. Table top games are especially powerful for engaging students in tangible and physical game worlds that they can see, and interact with, live and in-person. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has made playing table games and board games with our students a challenging proposition. However, there are FREE online versions of some of the most popular table top games that you can use for teaching and learning online!
Read MoreI was in the middle of conducting a research study, examining my own teaching of implementing fun and play into learning, when COVID-19 hit, and we were forced to transition from face-to-face courses to fully online classes.
Read MoreGames and simulations are a great way to achieve diversity & inclusion in corporations.
Read MoreThe process of designing applications and software that are usable by a wide range of people is a tricky task itself extra consideration must be taken when looking to implement design decisions that would be appropriate for a neurodiverse audience.
Read MoreOur solution is a narrative social simulation game which uses interactive dialogue to help people on the spectrum manage their anxieties about social situations and develop better resilience.
Read MoreAmid the Play NYC game convention, Drew Crecente shares the work his organization is doing to prevent abusive behavior through prosocial games.
Read MoreWell it all began with a company away day, which as a means to help the company understand the potential of digital learning, I created an escape room activity, where participants would experience stats, facts and digital learning interactions themselves whilst escaping the room.
Read MoreSince April, every week has ended with U.S. box office receipts down at least 97 percent and gaming revenue up by more than 50 percent, compared with the same week the year before.
Read MoreThe recent global pandemic has caused a lot of problems worldwide, with many establishments forced to close, things like concerts being cancelled, and people largely confined to their homes. This can be a lonely and worrying time for a lot of people, and it is important to make sure you come up with ways of keeping busy and keeping your mind active as much as possible, and this is something to consider.
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