How to measure fun for game designers
How to measure fun for game designers
How to measure fun for game designers
By Roman Szomolai
August 20, 2020
A great theory with bad measurements will lead to worse results than a weak theory with great measurements.
Bad measurements will improve theory only a bit while good measurement can move theory by miles.
How do we know measurements to choose? Measurements have parameters: Accuracy - Let stand on a scale once again and weight ourselves.
To have the best possible theory we have to improve it as much as possible, and to improve it we have to have as many as good measurements as it is possible.
Take out You don't need to know what x, just how it manifests in the world Don't be afraid of measurement, it is simple, just follow the major steps.
Combining different types of measurements and repeated measurements will help a lot.
Low quality measurement is better than non: We don't need to know what something is, we just have to know more about it than before.
Szomolai, R. (2020, August 20). How to measure fun for game designers. Retrieved August 23, 2020, from