To promote financial literacy among middle school-aged students, Ally Financial recently teamed up with rapper Big Sean and popular computer game Minecraft to create "Fintropolis," a world within the game that weaves financial lessons into the experience as players navigate through it.
Read MoreHow would you feel if I told you that after an immensely boring training session you would have to fill out a mundane form for rating and evaluation purposes? There are numerous researchers who have shown that there is a boost in efficiency with the help of gamified employee evaluation solutions.
Read MoreIf this is the case then the focus should be on the design of the game elements, drawing from game design theory and understanding the motivation to play games in order to create the most engaging player experience that will keep people playing. The most complete and solid definition proposed has been by Deterding, Dixon, Khaled and Nacke who define gamification as "The use of game design elements in non-game contexts".
Read MoreFor thousands of years, people have been using board games as a great way to pass the time with friends and family. Ancient board games are still played today and are a great way of bringing friends and family together. I've carefully selected the board games in this list, either for their notability or because they inspire board games today.
Read MoreIt's no wonder then that some of the world's best educational children's games are made there as well. How do you go about designing games for five-year-olds? HABA, the German toymaker with bestselling board games like First Orchard and Dragon's Breath, may have the answer.
Read MoreThe process of deconstructing a dish to create your own interpretation is similar to "Deliberate play" for learning designers who want to apply game design to their work.
Read MoreOne way to achieve this is through gamification and serious games. Serious games are designed to educate and nudge a change in behaviour and not just entertain. Critically, games are also played voluntarily and require skill rather than luck.
Read MoreAlqahtani's ambitious proposal-inspired, in part, by personal experience with the stressors of the pandemic-won her a behavioral science award in this year's Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair, an annual competition for ninth through twelfth graders administered by the Society for Science in Washington, D.C. Her prototype aims to address the problems of stigma and inaccessibility that, psychologists say, present substantial roadblocks to teens getting mental health care.
Read MoreThe quarterbacking problem or "Alpha gamer problem"1 is a well-known phenomenon in tabletop cooperative games in which one or more alpha player(s)2 dominate the decision-making of the game against the consent of the other players.
Read MoreUsing well-designed games and other engaging, inquiry-based activities to replace standard practice exercises, such as flashcards or worksheets, extends students' understanding of math as well as improves their attitude towards mathematics.
Read MoreFor today's post, I want to expand more on this and talk about what difficulty and the experience mean from the consumer's POV. Reasons for Playing If you've studied game design at all, the Bartle player type chart has probably been discussed.
Read MoreA role-playing board game has been drawing a lot of attention on China's Twitter-like Sina Weibo as it focuses on school bullying and is based on the developer's personal experience of being bullied for 10 years.
Read MoreAt the time, gamification was a rising star among corporate pencil pushers and others seeking to manipulate using only the most reductionist definition of games. Ironically, researchers and designers have recently begun applying gamification to topics that fly in the face of the corporate cultures that built the gamification empire.
Read MoreA group of Austin High School students don't just play computer games, they design them.
"We were also able to get controllers, mice, headsets and game design software," said Bachuss, who is in her seventh year teaching game design classes at Austin.
Read MoreTechnology in education will also enable methods of learning for those with learning difficulties.
Game-based learning banks on the "Learning by doing" mechanism that has worked well in the past.
One of the largest studies involving game-based learning reviewed 48 papers on a popular game-based learning platform.
Read MoreBut financial literacy experts also say that whether kids really pick up money lessons through video games depends largely on how parents talk with them about their online experience.
Read MoreNow a new mentorship program, led by a blue-ribbon panel of industry experts, hopes to diversify tabletop gaming's cadre of designers as well.
Read MoreHow do you go about designing games for five-year-olds? HABA, the German toymaker with bestselling board games like First Orchard and Dragon's Breath, may have the answer.
Read MoreA game jam - a contest where participants try to make a video game from scratch - was held in July at the Dundee-based university, with various teams submitting ideas for an interactive game inspired by CCS. A judging panel, including figures from leading Scottish game design studios Junkfish and Biome Collective, selected the winning entry.
Read MoreBased on inclusive sports and an academically driven approach, Game-based learning has been a key principle approach for various academic institutions as it helps the students to explore relevant game aspects in a learning environment designed by teachers.
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