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Skills You Didn't Know You Could Learn From Video Games

Video games might not the first medium you think of when it comes to learning useful skills. Of course, there are games specifically designed for learning and to be educational, but even in games intended only for entertainment, there are surprisingly useful skills that can be learned. Here are some of the most useful that you’ve probably never thought of.

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What gaming can teach the movie industry about fan engagement

Over the years, movies and gaming have developed a symbiotic relationship that permits their combined appeal to become greater than the sum of their parts. Franchises such as Star Wars, The Walking Dead, and The Lord of the Rings have allowed the movie industry to tap into a gaming sector that's now worth over $300 billion and continues to grow.

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New Video Game Confronts Slavery’s Legacy Through a Historical Mystery

Founded by James Coltrain, a historian and expert on game design at the University of Connecticut, Historiated Games describes itself as a "Historian founded studio making story-driven games." As E.L. Meszaros reports for CBR, the company's first game, "Blackhaven," immerses players in the realistic-albeit fictional-landscape of Blackhaven Hall Historical Society, a ruined colonial estate restored as a museum.

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Overwork: Is It Necessary And What Are The Consequences?

How true is that image? For sure, developing a game can be hard work - horror stories are not uncommon within the game development world - but is it an absolute necessity that you be sat over a workstation long into the night and then back at it again first thing in the morning? Let’s look at some of the facts…

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9 Mistakes to Avoid When Designing Educational Games

I've been teaching educational game design for a few semesters now as part of a module of a Creative Thinking and Problem Solving liberal arts course at my institution. From teaching the course several times, I've learned a lot about how to teach it, but I've also learned a lot from observing my students make mistakes when designing educational games.

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