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Is Gamification Still Bullshit?

Is Gamification Still Bullshit?

Is Gamification Still Bullshit?

Is Gamification Still Bullshit?

By Clayton Whittle

August 16, 2021

Originally Published Here


At the time, gamification was a rising star among corporate pencil pushers and others seeking to manipulate using only the most reductionist definition of games.

Ironically, researchers and designers have recently begun applying gamification to topics that fly in the face of the corporate cultures that built the gamification empire.

The initial paradigm of using addictive competition to pacify workers into efficiency has been flipped on its head. Researchers have shown that positive gamification can be used to provide players with a sense of efficacy and belonging to a cause.

I'll end with a quick nod to the trends of using gamification to make gambling and mobile gaming even more addictive than they already are.

At its core, gamification is empty, a hollow husk of a game that does not offer anything to the player other than an organized to-do list.

A Tiger cannot change its stripes, and gamification cannot cease to be bullshit, lest it cease to be gamification.

We as scholars and game designers must remain aware of gamification.


Whittle, C. (2021, August 06). Is gamification still bullshit? Retrieved October 21, 2021, from https://nasaga.org/is-gamification-still-bullshit/