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The Heart of the Matter: Understanding What Makes the Game

Which cards do they add to their deck? Which units do they choose to put into their army? What moves or tactics do they put into play at the table? What strategies are dominant in the metagame - and what strategies are perceived to be dominant, whether or not the data supports that conclusion? Why people play the game is the knowledge of what parts of the game experience bring and keep the player to the table.

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Students test their skills with ancient board game

Most of us are well aware of the complicated game of chess, where many skilled players can dominate their competition. Few of us are aware that there is an ancient game called "Hnefatafl," that actually is a precursor to the modern game of chess we know today. Students in Mrs. Michelle Anderson's mythology class had the immense pleasure of getting to experience this strategic game this past week.

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Kati Alha: Free-to-play games are the unappreciated cornerstone of gaming

Free-to-play games are games that can be played for free but include optional paid benefits or content. Many of today's most popular games use this model, and include for instance Fortnite: Battle Royale, mobile game hits Candy Crush Saga and Pokémon Go, e-sports title League of Legends, and collectible card game Hearthstone.

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An Analysis of Gender-Inclusive Language and Imagery in Top-Ranked Board Game Rulebooks

Asked a question on the General Gaming forum about board game rulebooks: "Why do so many games insist on having gendered pronouns in the rulebooks?"1 The poster noted that their friends had actually drawn a line in the sand, writing, "They're not interested in learning a board game which only uses masculine pronouns"2 The post generated 361 replies, some supportive commiseration.

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Pahamify combines animation and gamification to engage online students

"We created content around topics related to popular science in a casual and interactive way. As Ph.D. candidates, we were obliged to take teaching classes so we wanted to practice our teaching skills through the channel. The channel grew pretty fast, we even won YouTube NextUp Indonesia in 2017," Fikri told KrASIA. The videos received a lot of comments from students.

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How teachers rose to the challenge of making online learning engaging and fun

In the classroom, Yaritza Villalba used to transform history lessons into fun events like rap battles and speakeasies with root beer and students dressed as 1920s celebrities. With the school year in full swing, teachers around the world are adapting to completely new ways of instructing and engaging with students during the pandemic.

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13 Ways Gamification Can Boost Tech Team Morale And Productivity

Gamification adds game-like elements such as competition, point-scoring and even physical activity to non-game situations to encourage interaction and engagement. In the workplace, gamification not only relieves stress and adds some fun to the workday, but it can also bring many measurable benefits, from speeding processes to encouraging the adoption of new tech and more.

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