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Posts in rulebooks
An Analysis of Gender-Inclusive Language and Imagery in Top-Ranked Board Game Rulebooks

Asked a question on the General Gaming forum about board game rulebooks: "Why do so many games insist on having gendered pronouns in the rulebooks?"1 The poster noted that their friends had actually drawn a line in the sand, writing, "They're not interested in learning a board game which only uses masculine pronouns"2 The post generated 361 replies, some supportive commiseration.

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"What Makes A Good Board/Card Game Rulebook?" Live Presentation

This panel will review game rulebooks in depth. It will cover the purpose of your rulebook; striking a balance; and the process of writing and revising the rulebook. The structure of the rulebook will be covered from different sections including statistical information, components, theme, overview, setup, core loop, and game end. The way that you organize the contents of this rulebook is important for informing the player experience. Your voice in how you write your rulebook is as important as testing it out with your playtesters. Finally, edge cases; applications of rule books for games based learning; and action steps for writing your rulebook will be covered in detail.

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