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It’s in the rules to play dirty in this new soil-themed board game

Scientists who research soil by day and play board games at night designed a new activity they hope will make their jobs easier to explain to their family, and even more importantly, the world. Tanvi Taparia, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Copenhagen, studies how soil biology affects plant health and growth, which in turn affects how much food farmers can produce.

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Game Changers | Laila Shabir, Girls Make Games

Two months ago, she launched the Girls Make Games Scholarship Fund, a charity to improve access to education for young women looking to have a career in the games industry. "Girls Make Games [is] a program that exposes girls to video game development and encourages them to explore careers in gaming, but also to use gaming to figure out what they want to do with their lives," Shabir says.

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Can Playing Video Games Make You Smarter?

If you spend more than an hour a day playing video games, that's 5 percent of your life. We want to know whether playing video games can increase cognitive skills: In other words, can game playing make you smarter? We have performed experiments, conducted meta-analyses of research literature and even produced a couple of books: Computer Games for Learning and Handbook of Game-Based Learning.

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Machine Learning AI Has Beat Chess, but Now It’s Close to Beating Physics-Based Sports Games as Well

Hell, the most sophisticated AI systems have a very good chance against top players in the incredibly complicated game of Go. But, in the uber-complicated car-based soccer game of Rocket League, can an AI do a boosted 360 aerial bicycle kick power shot from the midline? Can it pinch a ball off the side ramp so precisely it sails into the goal at 145 km/h? No, at least not yet, but AI can apparently dribble like a madman.

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