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The largest, most realistic Minecraft city

These quality assurance exercises are just one facet of a project management effort that seems almost unfeasibly competent: there's a whole workflow system for laying out new districts, construction codes to keep style and quality consistent among the swarm of builders at work on the city, and regular staff meetings over discord to co-ordinate the mammoth effort.

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This course's video game tutorials offer a powered-up resource for fledgling developers

The School of Game Design is a great place to take your first steps. With courses for developers of all ages and skill levels taught by experienced instructors, this interactive online course contains 120 hours of video to help take you from aspiring game dev to creating multiple short levels and games of your own.

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I’ve committed to 365 Board Game plays in 2020. Here’s the update from May so far…

Like last year, I set a goal to play 365 board games in one year. This isn’t 365 plays of DIFFERENT board games (i.e. if I play checkers 3 times then it counts as 3 plays). I’m doing this to ensure that I play a lot of board games but also a breath of different board games. I also barely made my goal last year. So I know that 365 is a difficult (but attainable) challenge!

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Gamification in Tech

As the skills gap grows ever wider and new technology emerges every day, recruiters are facing an uphill battle against diminishing candidate numbers. In addition to the complex technical skill requirements of most businesses, many recruitment professionals find tech vacancies, particularly at management levels, difficult to fill due to a lack of soft skills.

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