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Posts tagged rules
Mind MuZero AI can master games without knowing the rules

The most powerful AIs today still rely on having certain known rules, like rules for a game of chess or Go. Human learning is often messy in inferential, learning the rules of life as we go. DeepMind has long been trying to create such AIs using games as their environment and test suite. Google's sister company focusing on AI research has just revealed its latest achievement in MuZero, an AI that can master a game without learning the rules beforehand.

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Rules are meant to be broken

Early in the design of Cartographia, we had a problem about players hoarding cards: it's a bad strategy, but every now and then a player would try it and ruin the night for everyone else by limiting their access to specific cards, slowing the game economy, and opening their own options to such degree to cause monumental AP. All of that would turn a brisk 75 minute game into a 3 hours slog.

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