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Leveraging Gamification to Bring Millions of Users Together

Leveraging Gamification to Bring Millions of Users Together

Leveraging Gamification to Bring Millions of Users Together

By Eugene Lisovskiy

December 20, 2022

Originally Published Here


The global gamification market was worth $10.5 billion in 2021 and is expected to reach $96.8 billion by 2030, a CAGR of nearly 28%. At its core, gamification seeks to add gaming elements such as achievements, point scoring, competition and rewards to encourage user engagement and connectedness.

During my tenure at Maps.me, I was able to grow the brand community to 150 million users, and before that, I helped grow the LitRes.com community to over 4,000 affiliates and more than 23 million registered users.

People were given a "Higher purpose" of creating essential maps and guides to help others, which attracted more and more users.

The more time a user spends personalizing their profile, the more invested they become in returning and regularly engaging in the community to show it off and keep improving it.

Gamification is a Versatile Tool For Community Development There's much more to gamification than simply adding badges and implementing straightforward reward systems.

Gamification is more about tapping into the innate motivational drives of humans to evoke emotional responses to a shared goal or cause.

If you want to bring hundreds, thousands or even millions of users together, figure out which aspects of gamification align best with your goals, such as the unpredictability and excitement of airdrops that keep some communities engaged, or the scarcity and exclusivity, and watch your user base steadily grow.


Lisovskiy, E. (2022, December 20). Leveraging gamification to bring millions of users together. Tech Times. Retrieved January 18, 2023, from https://www.techtimes.com/articles/285203/20221220/leveraging-gamification-to-bring-millions-of-users-together.htm