Class of Oz: role-play gamification integrated into classroom management motivates elementary students to learn
Class of Oz: role-play gamification integrated into classroom management motivates elementary students to learn
Class of Oz: role-play gamification integrated into classroom management motivates elementary students to learn
By Pei-Zhen Chen, Ting-Chieh Chang and Ching-Lin Wu
“In previous research, gamified classroom management has been found to improve high school students’ classroom participation. This study applied gamification classroom management through a “Class of Oz” in an elementary school to cultivate students’ learning. Two classes were randomly assigned to the experimental group, and the other two were randomly assigned to the control group. Eighty-three valid samples were retained after deleting incomplete data from the pre- and post-test. After 11 weeks of gamified classroom management, the results indicated that the experimental group experienced a higher value and emotion of learning motivation than the control group. However, there were no differences between the Chinese and mathematics scores of the two groups. In addition, qualitative observations showed that gamified classroom management attracted students’ attention and improved their learning motivation. These results revealed that role-play gamified classroom management could enhance students’ learning motivation without affecting their academic performance.”
Chen, P., Chang, T., & Wu, C. (2022). Class of oz: Role-play gamification integrated into classroom management motivates elementary students to learn. Educational Studies, 1-16. doi:10.1080/03055698.2022.2081788
Classroom management, gamification, learning motivation, academic performance, elementary student, research