
LGBTQ+ Representation in Video Games The Power and the Other

LGBTQ+ Representation in Video Games The Power and the Other

LGBTQ+ Representation in Video Games The Power and the Other

By Martin Látal


“This thesis discusses the questions of LGBTQ+ representation in video games. The main theoretical framework consists of discourse theories of Foucault, Fairclough, and Laclau with Mouffe, game studies through Švelch and Bogost, and queer game studies represented by Ruberg and Palurson. The methodology of this work is based on Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, which is applied to a corpus of texts primarily from the social site Reddit. The first part of the work focuses on the approach game developers and creators choose when creating a queer 5representation, which can be summarized as balancing between inclusivity and avoiding conflict with conservative markets. The second part delves into the stances LGBTQ+ gamers express towards queer representation in games. They point out various issues, such as marginalization and stereotypization, which can be however used to improve the credibility of characters. The third part takes a look at the intergroup relationships in the gaming industry and tools gamers use to influence the developers. These consist primarily of direct feedback and discussion, the efficiency of which varies depending on the game studio.”


Látal, M. (2022). LGBTQ+ Representation in Video Games The Power and the Other. Retrieved June 13, 2022, from


Game studies, discourse, representation, queer studies, video games, research