Gamed-based Learning in Higher Education
Gamed-based Learning in Higher Education
Gamed-based Learning in Higher Education
By Maria Vodenicharova
“The study aims to prove the efficiency of training in the management of logistic projects by applying a game-based method in higher education. To this end, we analyze the educational games in training logistics and logistic projects, which can be applied in training in logistic projects in schools of higher education and we present the design of an educational game (warehouse project game - WPG) via a game based method. Groups of indicators for the degree of the success rate within the training in the management of logistic projects have been drawn up and based on a cluster analysis of the groups of trainees. An empirical study has been conducted among students studying for a BA and MA degree and project managers. The findings of this study can be useful to researchers, teachers, course designers, and designers of game-based teaching applications.”
Vodenicharova, M. (2022). Gamed-based learning in higher education. TEM Journal, 779-790. doi:10.18421/tem112-35
Gamification, game-based learning, high education, research