
What is the relationship between Storytelling and learning outcome?

What is the relationship between Storytelling and learning outcome?

What is the relationship between Storytelling and learning outcome?

By Duncan Stern


“Gamification has been increasingly popular over the last decade. It is increasingly used by educational designers, but not all aspects of storytelling have been researched or are still being researched for their effects on learning outcome. The current study aims at finding answers on a particular aspect of gamification, storytelling, on the learning outcome. Therefore, the following research questions were investigated: To what extent does storytelling contribute to the learning outcome of secondary education students in physics education? And: To what extend does storytelling contribute to the motivation perceived by the secondary education students in physics education? Participants had to study material which either included or excluded storytelling. This was investigated using 53 participants divided into two conditions, a control condition without storytelling and an experimental condition with storytelling. Participants had to answer questions on their motivation at the start and end of the research and a concluding test to assess their learning outcome. No significant difference was found between the two conditions in the current study. It can currently not be assessed whether storytelling affects students' learning outcome within this context. More research is needed to examine this effect thoroughly. For two aspects of motivation, significant differences were found within the control condition, a difference that was not present in the experimental condition. This suggests that storytelling contributed to this lack of decrease in motivation. Some limitations arise with the current results, and recommendations for future research are made. For example, more questions should be included to assess the effects of storytelling better, the sample size needs to be increased, and the storytelling operationalisation could be improved. The current research provides a solid foundation for future research, and it should be further investigated what the effects of storytelling are on students' learning outcome.”


Stern, D. (1970, January 01). What is the relationship between storytelling and learning outcome? Retrieved September 17, 2022, from


Storytelling, gamification, learning outcome, motivation, research