Millions of gamers worldwide are transforming entertainment into scientific advancement through 'Borderlands Science,' a mini-game embedded within 'Borderlands 3.' Players align genetic sequences in the game, generating massive amounts of data that outpace traditional methods by orders of magnitude.
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The number of older players keeps going up, and some see a missed business opportunity here, especially as seven out of 10 older gamers don't think the industry designs games with them in mind, according to AARP. Celia Pearce has been studying older gamers for years.
Read MoreThousands of gamers are working to upend traditional models of training, education, and analysis in government and defense. This grassroots movement has developed across several countries, under a joint venture-Fight Club International-within which civilian and military gamers are experimenting with commercial technologies to demonstrate what they can do for national security challenges.
Read MoreCan you increase your level of psychological safety and curiosity at work by changing how you look at failure? I explored whether people who identify as gamers do this. I wondered if people who identify as gamers are more likely to try new things, fail, and try again at work.
Read MoreA new Twitter thread has highlighted a common UI design flaw that's all too familiar to gamers - regardless of what console they're using. Games will often direct players to press a specific button by flashing its symbol on the screen, without also showing its position on the controller. Twitter user Kyle McKernan suggests games that display the required button in the context of other buttons around it are the ones that are getting it right.
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