3 Ways Board Games Can Help You Run Your Business, Department or Team
3 Ways Board Games Can Help You Run Your Business, Department or Team
3 Ways Board Games Can Help You Run Your Business, Department or Team
By Karl Kapp
March 11, 2023
Now, before you dismiss a board game as a childish endeavor not to be undertaken by serious business leaders, understand that the use of carefully crafted table top simulations has a rich history going back to at least the 1600s and for endeavors as serious as armed conflict.
How? Well here are three ways that using board games in corporate settings improves how a business, department, or team functions.
The board itself highlights relationships as indicated above but so do the other elements of a well-crafted board game.
To show the relationship of investing in an asset to secure future wealth development, many games have the idea of investing in assets such as equipment or training, and receiving a return later in the game for that investment.
We can learn a great deal from board games for both creating games and making your learning design more interactive and memorable.
To learn even more about games for learning, check out my YouTube playlist called "The Unofficial, Unauthorized History of Learning Games" where I explore how board games and other types of games can be used to create effective and engaging instruction.
Karl is co-founder of Enterprise Game Stack, a serious games company that creates digitized card games for learning ranging from interactive role-play games to sorting activities and everything in-between.
Kapp, K. (2023, March 11). 3 Ways Board Games can help you run your business, department or team. LinkedIn. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/3-ways-board-games-can-help-you-run-your-business-department-kapp/