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Can Serious Games Make a Difference in P/CVE?

Can Serious Games Make a Difference in P/CVE?

Can Serious Games Make a Difference in P/CVE?

September 5, 2022

By Daniela Pisoiu

Originally Published Here


How about using games for P/CVE purposes? Some serious games have already been developed and rolled out in prevention work, such as Flashpoints.

Mapping a target group was necessary to capture who might be interested in games and what their aesthetic, thematic and gaming preferences might be.

Arguably, developers of serious games will find it hard to integrate such elements in a product that does not focus on combat or competition but is meant to first and foremost teach players about democracy, tolerance, and diversity, so this particular challenge remains open.

As exciting as the use of games and gaming in prevention work is, they do not present a 'silver bullet' end-all solution to online radicalisation.

Simply put, serious games will not be a suitable solution for every purpose and target group.

DECOUNT has provided a number of lessons learned that follow-up projects such as GameD will build on to develop even more impactful P/CVE serious games.

The game DECOUNT was developed in the framework of the EU-funded project Promoting democracy and fighting extremism through an online counter-narratives and alternative narratives campaign, DECOUNT, ISFP, 812617 by the Austrian Institute for International Affairs, Bloodirony Games and SUBOTRON. It is now curated as part of a scientific repository.


Pisoiu, D. (2022, September 05). Can serious games make a difference in P/CVE? Retrieved September 12, 2022, from https://gnet-research.org/2022/09/05/can-serious-games-make-a-difference-in-p-cve/