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Generation Z Consumers Make Work And Play Overlap. Gamification Is Part Of Many Adult Tasks, Including Work, Education, Communication

Generation Z Consumers Make Work And Play Overlap. Gamification Is Part Of Many Adult Tasks, Including Work, Education, Communication

Generation Z Consumers Make Work And Play Overlap. Gamification Is Part Of Many Adult Tasks, Including Work, Education, Communication

By Ankur Kumar Jha

May 23, 2022

Originally Published Here


Zoomers are the first generation that was born into the world of the internet, web2 and social media, and are the first so-called 'digital natives', as opposed to the 'digital immigrants' of previous generations.

Technology And Gamification Are Key According to a recent survey by Dell with 12,000 GenZ respondents, 91 per cent claim technology would influence their choice of employment among similar job offers, 80 per cent say they want to work with cutting-edge tech, and again 80 per cent believe technology and automation will bring a more equitable work environment.

At the same time, Zoomers have a different view on the role of games in the contemporary world and gamification is the keyword.

Defining Role Of Gamification Confirmed. A similar observation is made by the analystsat Esse N Videri in their recently published study "New Generation Gaming" who conclude that "Technology-driven societal transformation affects gaming faster than most relevant global economic segments, as gamification is set to become a defining rationale in both work and pleasure contexts."

GenZ are digital natives, since their very birth the world has been shaped by digital technology and the internet, and no wonder they are comfortable in the digital environment and display high levels of technical skills, sometimes at the expense of more traditional social interaction or 'soft' skills.

At the same time, "Leading educational and professional organizations have accepted by now that the young adults of Generation Z need gamification elements as a standard way of challenging their performance," as the authors of the study point out.

At the same time, technology and Covid-19 will transform the work environment and most jobs will require advanced digital skills with special emphasis on "Agility, curiosity, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving, which play to the natural strengths of Gen Z," Snap Team concludes.


Jha, A. (2022, May 23). Generation Z consumers make work and play overlap. gamification is part of many adult tasks, including work, education, Communication. Retrieved May 31, 2022, from https://thelogicalindian.com/story-feed/sports/generation-z-make-work-play-overlap-gamification-part-many-adult-tasks-work-education-communication-35704