6 Ways Gamification Is Implemented in College Education
6 Ways Gamification Is Implemented in College Education
6 Ways Gamification Is Implemented in College Education
By Daniel Hall
October 20, 2021
God forbid using any devices during the learning process, either.
5 Reasons Why Educators & Learners Love It. So, what turned the opinion on gamification? Why is it now encouraged at colleges instead of being shunned?
Long story short, it's proven to be a more effective approach towards education than the traditional, one-sided, passive learning.
Strengthens students' intrinsic motivation to learn;.
Makes learning fun instead of stressful, thus improving students' performance;.
Back in the day, learning was supposed to be this linear path that every student must follow.
While every educator has a curriculum to tend to, now, they can make it more flexible to accommodate different learners' needs.
Hall, D. (2021, October 20). 6 ways gamification is implemented in college education. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from https://www.bbntimes.com/society/6-ways-gamification-is-implemented-in-college-education