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How to Use Gamification to Promote Active Learning in the Changed Workplace Dynamics

How to Use Gamification to Promote Active Learning in the Changed Workplace Dynamics

How to Use Gamification to Promote Active Learning in the Changed Workplace Dynamics

March 3, 2021

By Asha Pandey

Originally Published Here


In this article, I outline how L&D professionals can use Gamification to drive active learning in the workplace to address this challenge.

Active learning strategies like gamification add the much needed "Entertainment" value, to an otherwise lackluster learning experience.

That's why, one ideal strategy for active learning in the workplace is game-based learning.

Thanks to its immense popularity and flexibility, gamification has found broad applicability in active learning in the workplace.

Address their fears and anxieties: All learners may not readily accept gamification as a "Serious" means of active learning in the workplace.

Most importantly, to use gamification as an effective strategy for active learning in the workplace, use continuous and constructive feedback as a mechanism to promote learner engagement.

Gamification is a strategy that not only promotes active learning in the workplace but also helps deliver better learning outcomes.


Pandey, A. (2021, March 3). How to use gamification to promote active learning in the workplace. Retrieved July 8, 2022, from https://www.eidesign.net/how-to-use-gamification-to-promote-active-learning-in-the-changed-workplace-dynamics/